Sunday, August 18, 2024

Chicken Enchiladas

 Can of enchilada sauce

Chopped chicken

1 can green chilies

Tortilla wraps

Cheddar cheese

1/2 block cream cheese

Mix chicken with cream cheese and chilies  make sure the cream cheese is melted .

Fill tortillas with mixture and roll up seam side down  

Pour enchilada sauce and top with cheddar cheese  

Bake until cheese is melted at 350 degrees  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Barbeque Ribs

Dinosaur Rib Rub

All Purpose Rib Rub

1/2 cup paprika

1/4 cup kosher salt

1/2 brown sugar

6 tablespoons onion powder

1/4 cup chili powder

1 tablespoon black pepper 

1 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and rub together with your hands. Store  in a glass or plastic container. 

Cut ribs from bone

Add rib rub and marinate overnight

375 degrees in air fryer for 15 minutes or 375 degrees oven for 20 minutes.

Flip and cook another 15 or 20 minutes.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Avgolemeno Soup

Two Chicken thighs

 chicken stock, 1/2 kettle about 4 cups

3 tablespoons butter

Chicken base


2 cups white rice, cooked 

4 egg yolks

1/4 cup Lemon juice to taste 

salt and pepper

Boil chicken in chicken stock until tender.  Add chicken base to taste.  Remove chicken and set aside to cool. 

Add butter to rice and cook until 

Wisk the eggs, lemon juice an add 2 cups of hot broth to the mixture and pour into the stock  

Add remaining chicken and rice and stir until thickened  add cornstarch if necessary 

 Cook till rice is done and thicken with corn starch.